Often we get support issues from our customers telling us that Elegance Velvet is flaking terribly when they print, causing voids to become apparent when the flakes fall off. We also are occasionally told that Elegance Velvet has a large amount of debris on the surface.
Neither of these are true of Elegance Velvet. This fine art paper is made with an inkjet receptive coating that does not flake, and is also very resistant to scuffing.
If you believe your Elegance Velvet roll is flaking, here are a few things to check on:
(1) Are you working in a particularly dusty environment? If your printers are in a dusty or dirty environment, this is definitely going to affect your prints. Dust and debris can get into the inside of your printer, they can also affect your heads which could cause voids in printed image. Furthermore, if your fine art paper roll is exposed (not in its plastic) for short periods of time, the dust and debris will land on the roll. This brings us to the next issue –
(2) How long was your Elegance Velvet fine art paper roll left “exposed” (meaning, without plastic covering and also not in its original box). Leaving your roll of fine art paper (or canvas) exposed for even short periods of time is dangerous because all sorts of debris will definitely attach itself to the roll. This doesn’t even matter if you think your environment is very clean. The particles that will affect your roll are extremely small, they travel without the help of any wind (when people walk on carpet, or even when people breathe — you can imagine what a ceiling fan or a standing floor fan will do), and they are everywhere. If you have left your roll of fine art paper exposed for a few hours, depending upon your environment and where you actually placed the roll, your roll is probably affected with debris. The right practice is to only open the roll when you plan on printing it. When it is not printing, you should put the roll back into its plastic cover and then into its original box. Note: Don’t ever put the roll back into its original box without the plastic. Also, don’t ever substitute the plastic cover for anything else – such as Kraft Paper. Both Cardboard boxes and Kraft Paper are acidic.
(3) If you are not working in a dusty or dirty environment, and if there are no fans on or serious air flow, and if you are taking a roll of Elegance Velvet out and are literally putting it right onto the printer and print on it immediately, you should not have any issues. If you still have issues, the problem may be within your printer. If you print on other fine art papers in the same environment on the exact same printer, and the other fine art papers don’t have the same problem, then it could be that you have a defective roll.
If this is the case, we will ask you to send one of your unopened rolls to us so that we can test it in our controlled environment. If we find the product to be defective, we will replace your rolls or provide you with a refund immediately. Please understand that because defective issues with Elegance Velvet are around .01%, and this .01% is not from flaking, we must have you complete issues #1-3 above before we can proceed to performing our own tests. To date, you must keep in mind that we have never had a defective roll of Elegance Velvet returned because it actually was flaking.